On August 5, 2022, Dingfei's foreign trade team held a farewell party to one of our teammates, Xiaoqian, because she was about to leave Dingfei and continued to go back to school to learn more professional knowledge. As a fresh graduate, in just 6 months of internship in Dingfei's administrative position, Xiaoqian has brought great help to the development of the team. She organized several team activities in the company, and timely purchased office supplies for us, and get along well with every member of the team.
We had delicious food together, chatted, play game, and everyone sent her good wishes.

There is an old saying in China: There is no feast that never ends. No matter which team, there will always be members joining and members leaving.
Dingfei insists on the Inamori's Philosophy practice and adhering to the culture of quality and honesty, promotes the growth of employees and realizes the business purpose of contributing to the temporary road traffic safety while achieving the material and spiritual happiness of all employees.

Today's separation is for a better encounter in the future, and I wish every family member of Dingfei better and better. See you.